Friday, September 11, 2015

The results are nearly in, sort of

So I had the CT a few Fridays ago, essentially to check on how the Xeloda has been working, as I have been having some dizziness and more pelvis/sacrum/hip joint pain (where my bone mets are). When I went for my monthly jab I got the results...They are a mixed bag.
Yay Xeloda is doing its job well (I am on 3 each day) the larger of the spots on my liver was classed as stable just under 1cm still, and the two smaller ones are now barely visible. The bone mets on my pelvis are stable, have shown no change. So that is the really good news... I do wonder as I have settled in with Xeloda now whether the dose should be increased.
However, they did find a few spots on my brain, which they suspect could be mets, and recommended an MRI a to confirm or deny! My onc wasn't too phased about the brain ones, except for my dizziness, I was happy to reassess next month if my dizziness continues (my thinking is I am pretty sure I had a good dose of flu, and have had low wcc and neutrophils and picked up everything this winter...still filled with snot, so this could be adding to my unsteadiness) . I will have the MRI just before my next xgeva jab.
So...still in limbo.... Fatigue is nuts, but it's the end of term and everyone is tired.... a week to go.
My rock is having trouble coming to terms with it all, and has put his head in the sand a bit :( but we will get there...

The past week has been dismal, but the weather is looking up, and this weekend I head to Sandown for the V8s... hope I make it through... should be there today, but I am resting, taking it easy... getting my energy levels up.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Post from Sunday 29 August

So, it's been a few months since the blip on my liver showed up and I was put on Xeloda. I have been getting more pain in my hips recently,  and so last month at the xgeva jab the onc told me to get a CT done, close to the next xgeva. He wanted it on the same day, but as I go straight from work it makes it difficult.
So on Friday I had it done...I was there for a while. I must have lost weight, or they are making bigger gowns. I had my blood test on Thursday,  so they were concerned they got an artery rather than a vein, as I was bleeding back into the cannula, but all was good, the anti inflammatory stuff makes it bleed more.
The injection site has been itchy, but will hopefully calm down. My veins have dine remarkably well considering what they have been through.
I feel like I am in limbo until I get the results. So tomorrow is a late night at work then Tuesday work in the morning and Cabrini in the arvo.
So very tired, have picked up one thing after another this winter. Grrrr.
Ah well one foot in front of the other...and we shall get there...


Ahhh like life, a ball if yarn can be long or short, tangled or smooth, thick or thin, or more likely a combination... Sometimes you wonder how you will ever get it untangled, and then, by the end of it, something beautiful has been created.