Thursday, November 21, 2013

The waiting

Today was full of waiting... 

Waiting for the CT scanners to be ready and have a gap to fit me in.

Waiting for the nurses to jab me and probe me...  Denosumab jab and dexmethasone drip... Then leave the cannula in to head to radiology. The lovely nurses put a dressing on it, so I wouldn't bump it on anything... It was a bit sore... But I didn't faint! Woot!

Then waiting in the imaging waitin room... Fill out the paperwork, yes I've had a CT scan before with contrast, no I have not had any issues with the contrast solution...

Then into the room with the donut machine... Hehehe if only. At least all I had to take off were my earrings, ok that was a bit tricky with a bandaged hand! One scan then the contrast dye was injected into the cannula. Head on the foam pillow... Don't move..LOL

CT scan done....Then waiting to make sure there is no reaction from the contrast... All good, but yuck, I could still see my load in the cannula tubes...ewwwwww

It was a long nervous wait, finally got the call at 5pm, but it showed nothing...
He is still worried about the ongoing headaches, and I need to call back if I am still getting them over the next week, then it will be up to an MRI which is more detailed than the CT scan, which usually picks up up to 95% of mets. So now, we wait some more...
The interesting thing is I was given the dexmethasone to relieve any pressure there may be on the brain... After the Dex IV the head pain did subside ...hmmm but I forgot to tell him, as I was at the shops when he Panadol osteo an endone to dull the pain, with some aromatherapy oils to help. Peppermint, basil, lavender and rosemary in an oil roller.

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