Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Connections up and down

You really start to rely on this tech stuff.... So when the modem is offline...panic fills the house....LOL...
Well I have helped my wonderful hubby to get some control, and start to know what to do when the tech stops working.... I am the tech nerd/geek in the house...apart from the I guided him in what needed to be done...ring the ISP...and then I went to Pilates.
He was on the phone with the tech when I got back...had been for an hour...but yeehaa we are reconnected....they still don't know what is causing the issues...ISP blames phone company and vice versa.
These are the little things I do that will be missed, so I am glad he has taken care of it. I have taught him to fish...instead of catching fish for him...

It's good when silly little things block all other thoughts....everything seems to ache, and I'm tired....have a long day at work tomorrow....but a half day on Friday... I am taking Panadol Osteo for the aches in my arm....every time I lift something it am quickly training myself to use my left arm. Hips are stiff, but not the degree of pain the arm is.... Hmmmmm Monday Monday

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